Monday, August 22, 2016

Maryland, Day 1

I was lucky enough to fly to Maryland for a few days. I was picked up from the airport by my sister, Kelly, and we headed straight to Chick-fil-A for lunch. It was fun hanging out and catching up!

We picked up baby Jack from daycare. I wish I had brought my camera inside, because he and the other three children at the daycare were so cute! They were dancing together to music and being silly. We brought food back for the crew: Gabe, his friend Cameron, and Aunt Michelle.

After everyone ate, we moved to the living room for some play time. Gabe and Cam played Minecraft while Jack jetted around the room.

Jack is just a few days shy of 1 year old! His favorite toys while I was there were his Batman Ball (which he is impressively good at throwing and catching), Maya's stuffed strawberry, his musical turtle, Peek-A-Boo book, and plain plastic cups.

I loved when he'd reach for something on his little tippy toes.

He would let Mama know when he was tired by snuggling his blankets (or getting cranky!)

And he'd let her know he was hungry by saying "Bottle?" or pointing to food.

His favorite foods while I was there were freeze-dried yogurt drops, his bottle, and banana.

His favorite tricks are clapping, shaking his head "no!" when his Aunt Lily tries to take him from Mama or Dada, putting his hands way above his head to throw his ball with all his little might, taking any chance offered to crawl to the stairs and climb them, and charming everyone around him.

John brought back Indian food for everyone for dinner, and I put my camera away and enjoyed the evening with the crew.

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